Welcome to Solstice of Foundations, a summer school on quantum foundations hosted by ETH Zurich and Squid. It provides a solid introduction to current approaches and problems within foundational research, and is tailored for junior researchers entering the field, like masters and PhD students, as well as postdocs.
Online attendance details
- Lectures are streamed live on our YouTube channel and on the ETH streaming platform. The videos will stay up on YouTube.
- We answer questions live on YouTube and on the Discord Server.
Lectures and programme
The school starts on Monday at 8:30 and ends on Friday around 15:00 CEST. A detailed schedule will be published by mid-May.
Lectures take place in room Room HCI J3, ETH Hönggerberg, Zurich. The school will be a hybrid event: all lectures will be streamed live, and the recordings will be publicly available after. Problem sessions will be both in person and online, and we will have a Discord server to support online participants.
Confirmed lecturers:
- Generalized physical theories – John Selby, International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies, Gdansk, Poland
- Nonlocality in quantum theory and beyond – Paul Skrzypczyk, University of Bristol, UK
- Universality and undecidability – Gemma de Las Cuevas, University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Epistemic theories – Matthew Leifer, Chapman University, USA
- Contextuality – David Schmid, International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies, Gdansk, Poland
- Advanced quantum information techniques for foundations – Victoria J Wright, ICFO, Spain
- Applying quantum foundations to computational linguistics – Konstantinos Meichanetzidis, Quantinuum & Cambridge Quantum Computing
- Quantum reference frames – Esteban Castro, ETH Zurich, Switzerland