Event venue: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg campus, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg, 8093 Zurich
Lectures: Room HCI G7 (building that says Fusion outside, G floor)
Welcome reception/apéro on Monday: TBA
School dinner: TBA
Where to eat
There are several canteens (and, contrary to popular belief, affordable eateries) close to the school and in the city centre. Here are some suggestions.
Where to stay
We are working on affordable accommodation for school participants in Zurich, and will post an update in mid-May.
See here a list of hostels and other accommodation options in Zurich. Check also airbnb. Something else that works surprisingly often is to ask if there are any free rooms for the week on facebook groups like this one. You can coordinate with other attendees – start with our Discord server, which you will have access to after registering. From there, emergent self-organization is very much encouraged!
What to bring
Swimwear, sunscreen, towel, picnic blanket: you can swim in the river and lake in summer. It may be useful to bring a small lock (as there are public lockers to keep your belongings), otherwise you can rent one.
Writing material: We will provide notepads and pens. The talks will be recorded. We will upload the lecture notes or slides whenever they are available, so a laptop may be useful.
Id: You can rent public bikes for free in the city by leaving some form of official id.
Juggling balls, drums, shadow puppets: Or whatever it is that folks from all walks of life do for fun at dinners and picnics these days.